Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why are so many fears in the air, and so many of them unfounded?

We have a virus called fear that is rapidly infecting Australian society, we are afraid of a threat yet to happen on our soil, a threat costing our government millions of dollars and a threat that will never kill as many Australians as smoking or obesity.

There seems to be no shortage of things that people are fearful of these days.

We fear for global warming. We are afraid of avian flu. We were petrified of SARS.

Many thought the world would end upon the new millennium.

We are fearful of the Equine influenza (Horse flu) and what will happen to Melbourne Cup Day 2007.

We dread future terrorist attacks. We are terrified about airline safety.

This topic of a ‘culture of fear’ interests me greatly and some key points I plan to focus on for my 2nd blog include:

Who fears what—and to what degree?

Is our culture becoming increasingly fearful, risk-averse, suspicious, even paranoid?

To what extent do these fears vary across various social groups?

How do fears shape identities, behaviours, morals, willingness to sacrifice freedoms, and other emotions?

What are the current trends by social groups such as the government, media etc that bring attention to specific fears in order to gain greater social control?

One reason I chose this topic was due to the fact that I have had numerous people from numerous countries tell me how paranoid they think the Australian government is. Upon hearing the first suggestion of this, I casually shrugged it off. However, the comments were becoming more and more frequent, so when a British friend of mine came around to my house to say hello and ask about travel advice for Thailand, he was absolutely gobsmacked when I showed him our governments travel advice website <>

He said to his knowledge the British government had nothing of the sort, and he was stunned at how comprehensive and detailed the information was. For every single country, there is a rating of precaution, ranging from ‘Be alert to own security’ right up to ‘Do not travel’

He also made a few interesting points such as ‘doesn’t this discourage you from travelling all together?’ and ‘if you completely abided by this website, where could you actually travel to?’
Each month up to half a million Australians travel overseas and this website, although it was made to protect and help travelling Australians, could have possibly done more harm than good for some.

On top of this, we also have a National Security Hotline:
National Security Hotline 1800 123 400, National Security Australia

This is a TV ad for the National Security Hotline

This 1 800 number attracted 500 calls in its first day - an early warning sign of how paranoid and suspicious we already are????

We also have a National Security Website

We have new laws to stop ‘home grown terrorism’:

Did you know we even have an Australian Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism?????

Is this all a bit much?? Where is the line between very cautious and paranoid??


Carla said...

I think you make some very valid points here. I wonder sometimes if we as a society fear things more than we did say 15 odd years ago, or if it is that I just don't remember the fear?

I think if one was to sum it up it might have to do with a fear of the unknown?

I wish you really well with your second blog! It will be a really interesting read!

Jaimee said...

This is a really interesting topic! It is so true that Australians fear a lot of things that they probably shouldn't. Perhaps the government does play on people's fear to gain their trust in order to be reelected, after all if people have something to fear the Government can offer solutions to gain social approval...

However I think the fact that people continue to travel despite the risk of terrorist attacks or contracting weird scary diseases suggests that most Australians do not let fears run their lives.

If you think Australians are fearful imagine what its like to be an American... Seen the movie Bowling for Columbine???

Anyways, best of luck with it sounds good so far!

James Neill said...

A couple of thoughts for you:

1. That perhaps excessive fear is arising as a result at least in part of two related aspects of our culture:
a. Increasing wealth and comfort (and therefore fear of having more to lose)
b. Lack of exposure to developmental challenges and encountering of real life fears - and therefore a lack of capacity in dealing with risks and stress.

2. I've added some links which may be helpful:
Culture of Fear

James Neill said...

PS Furedi's book on culture of fear is in the library - hope you've found it. I haven't read it, but got it ordered in last year, so I'd be interested to hear. I think one student previously said it was OK, but perhaps not sufficiently psychologically-oriented.

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